Yes! Energy storage solutions for heat and electricity allow you to reduce your dependence on fossil fuels,  save money on utility costs, and operate a truly smart home.

Batteries, or energy storage systems, allow you to store generated electricity and heat for use in your home as needed.

Common Types of Energy Batteries

Energy stores for electrical purposes are comprised of lead-acid or lithium-ion. Lead-acid is typically used for off-the-grid applications.  Smaller, and with a longer life, but more expensive, lithium-ion storage batteries are an excellent residential option for connecting to the grid.

Solar batteries can be set-up to operate off-grid, or while connected to the grid. An acreddited electrician is required to install solar batteries and connect them to panels. An experienced installer will help you determine if an inverter is needed to control the flow of electricity to and from a battery.

Electrical Benefits

Electricity, obtained from a utility company, is generated from coal and other fossil fuels. A solar power system produces little waste and no pollution. Capturing solar energy provides numerous benefits.

Store the energy produced by your solar panels with batteries. Excess energy can be stored for later use (for example, in the evening) versus sending it back to the grid. You can still participate in a export tariff system and store electrical energy.

If your home is located in an area with frequent brownouts or out-of-date energy infrastructure, electrical storage batteries allow you to be more self-sufficient.  In addition to creating electricity, the heat generated from solar panels can be used to heat a home or heat water.

The electricity created from wind or hydro turbines can be stored similarly as a solar panel source.

Batteries can be charged overnight with less expensive Economy 7 electricity for use throughout the day.

“Smart” energy battery systems allow you to track energy usage online.

Is Battery Storage Worth It?

The big question is whether or not battery storage is worth it. The answer is that it really depends on your habits and your home’s needs. If you have a small solar PVC system that doesn’t create a lot of excess electricity, this may not be a worthwhile investment.

However, this may be worth it for a lot of people. If you have a lot of solar panels and maybe don’t use as much electricity during the day, then getting a battery storage system is more than worth it. This allows you to have an excess of electricity when you need it the most, especially if you live in an area that’s prone to storms and loss of electricity. This is also an excellent investment if you want to score some independence from grid electricity.

In short, battery storage is worth it for most people who have solar PV systems in place.

The Future

We have one Earth. It is our responsibility to make smart choices now.

Batteries for storing energy allow you to reduce your carbon footprint and become less dependent on electrical grid suppliers.